- 伟大的思想,往往趋于极端,突破常识。
- 所谓武士道,就是看透死亡。
- 隐于叶下,花儿苟延不败,终遇知音,欣然花落有期。
- 叶隐之武士,对死追问不已,高举着死的观念而活,就像存在主义。
- 武士之刀法,讲究简洁明快的动力美;武士赴死,于死的瞬间与美相遇,便舍弃人生,跟着美去。因此,武士道是一种死的美学--落花之美。
2023年9月19日 00:08
BSE Odisha Provides the Syllabus for All the 9th This new Syllabus are Designed Strategically by a Team of Subject Experts and are Prescribed by the Department of School and Mass Education, Government of Odisha level Syllabus for the Children of Odisha has been developed with the supervision of the Department of School and Mass Education, Government of Odisha.one Needs to have BSE Odisha 9th Class Syllabus 2024 a good Understanding of the Odisha Exam Pattern and Syllabus 2024, If the Students know the Syllabus of the Exam, then they can Direct their Preparation in the best way.